Plumber leak Mat
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Pipe Leaks, Stress Peaks? Don’t Worry, Call The Plumber!

One day, our bathroom pipe suddenly started leaking. My father immediately called the plumber. Do you know who the plumber is? He asked me. I nodded my head indicating I don’t know. A plumber is a community helper who repairs pipe leaks and takes care of water-related problems, he said. I asked if the plumber will be able to fix the water problem in the society too. My father asked about the problem. I told him that the water near the park we play in has been leaking since yesterday. My dad told me, we will ask the plumber when he comes and get the problem fixed.

While we were waiting for the plumber, my father and I started playing with Musky. He asked me to open the plumber mat. Excitedly, I turned on the Musky and made it move from one block to another. Reaching each block my father told me more about a plumber who is one of the important community helpers.

Had a great time playing with your cute little learning buddy, Musky? Check if you can answer these questions.

Q1. A plumber can help in extinguishing the fire. Is this sentence correct?

Q2. Move Musky to go to home which has a cistern problem

Q3. Who is a plumber?

Q4. Name 2 more community helpers?

Q5. Name some tools that a plumber uses

Skills Acquired

Plumber leak skill

Teachers Note

While using the plumber mat, teachers can recall the concept of community helpers, who are community helpers and what they do. Then explain to them the role of plumber. Depending upon the age group, the teacher can ask questions from children and can give commands to Musky accordingly. If possible children can be asked to dress up like a plumber and do a small role play can be done in class to make it more fun.

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