An AI personal Assistant can help automate routine tasks, provide personalized services and insights, and improve customer service. From booking travel, ordering food, playing music, scheduling appointments, and more, AI personal assistants can be used in various ways to simplify tasks.

Ever thought of building your own AI personal assistant like Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana, and Google Assistant? You can easily do so using programming languages like Python and C++ that will help you in creating the AI algorithms and programs to power your assistant. A good understanding of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning concepts will help you create your own personal assistant in a simple way. Here is a stepwise guide to creating your own AI Personal Assistant using Python.

Here is a stepwise guide to creating your own AI Personal Assistant using Python:

Step 1 :- Installation of libraries.

First, you need to install a required library for recognizing voices and accessing the internet with Python pip command.

Required packages: Listed below are the packages that you need to install in your system using pip command.

Speech recognition — Speech recognition is an important feature used in house automation and in artificial intelligence devices. the main function of this library is it tries to understand where humans speak is and convert speech to text.


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pyttsx3 — pyttxstext-to-speech speech conversion library in python. This package text-to-speech works on Mac OS and Windows.

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Wikipedia — Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia used by many people from the academic community ranging from freshmen to students to professors who wants to gain information on a particular topic. this package in python extracts data required from Wikipedia.

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Step 2:- Import libraries and function

Install and import all the following libraries.

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Step 3:- Define speech recognition part

Define the speech recognition function and text-to-speech function with the listener and engine.

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# The pyttsx3 module is stored in a variable name engine. Sapi5 is a Microsoft Text to speech engine used for voice recognition. The voice Id can be set as either 0 or 1.

Note: 0 indicates a Male voice and 1 indicates a Female voice

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Step 4:- AI assistant part

Define a function that takes commands for the AI assistant to understand and accept the human language. The microphone captures the human speech and the recognizer recognizes the speech to give the response. The exception handling is used to handle the exception during the run time error and, the recognize_google function uses Google audio to recognize speech.

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Step 5:- Define function for give command.

Define run_alexa function to run commands according to the conditional logic.

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# give command to play a video YouTube:-

Your Content Goes Here

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# give command to find out time

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Command to extract information from Wikipedia:

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Step 6:- Main function

Now, call the main function run_alexa with the infinite while loop to take the command from the user.

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Full Code:-

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We hope that with this stepwise guide you are able to make your own AI Personal Assistant using Python. All you need to do is first make up your mind as to which AI Personal Assistant you want to create. Then gather the necessary software and tools. Depending on what type of AI Personal Assistant you want to create, download software such as Python and a voice recognition library. Develop your AI Personal Assistant’s core functions. Proceed by testing your assistant’s abilities by talking to it and giving it commands. Improve your AI Personal Assistant’s abilities by adding more features and functions if you want. Lastly, run your code to make your own AI Personal Assistant.