Children nowadays spend hours on mobile phones and laptops for various purposes. While some children talk over the phone for long hours, some keep playing games on the phone. The online classes have given them one more reason to use screens for long hours.

We don’t intend to scare you, but the use of mobile phones, tablets, or laptops for long hours not only physically harms the kids but affects their brain activity, lowers their academic performance and leads to sleep disruption, etc. 


The utility of mobile phones and laptops cannot be debated, but spending long hours in front of the screen can harm the Child. Thus, it becomes essential to make them take a break from the screen. 

Screens have become an integral part of our lives, but we definitely can work on lessening down screen time. If you are the one who is worried about your child spending too much time online and taking a break from the screen, then this article is for you.  

Let’s outline the benefits of making your kids take time away from the screen and discuss the best ways to make them learn without a screen. 

What are the advantages of screen-free learning?

Awareness of the Present-Moment


One of the major advantages of screen-free learning is awareness of the present moment. Kids get so lost in mobile phones that they almost forget what is going on in the present. Staying away from screens and taking a break from laptops/mobile phones/tablets will help kids become aware of the present and enjoy the moment. Continuous use of screens releases adrenaline and dopamine, and these have a dramatic effect on their minds. Taking a break from the screen will give their brains a much-needed break.  

Exploring their Interests


Kids nowadays love watching animated videos, playing games, etc., on mobile phones. Once they sit back to play a game, they forget the time, and before one realizes it, hours get wasted, of course, posing harm to mind and body. Playing games is not bad, but spending innumerable hours in front of these screens makes them dull, and they don’t get time to explore their interests. Taking a break from screens will enable them to learn new skills, explore nature, and learn what interests them. Screen-free learning will give kids ample time to explore their interests. 

Improved sleep


With the increase in the use of electronic media, more and more kids are complaining of disturbed sleep and sleepless nights. Extended use of screens has more physiological effects than we could anticipate. The screen’s blue light affects melatonin production, thus affecting their sleeping pattern. Reading a book before sleeping and not spending time on the mobile phone will improve their sleep, and they will get up fresh the following day. Screen-free learning improves the sleep quality in kids and they are fresh and active the next morning. 

Better Productivity


Taking a break from the screen and being in the present moment will help improve kids’ productivity. It has been observed that the use of mobile phones and spending long hours in front of screens affect kids’ productivity. Their learning abilities, too, are affected as they tend to get distracted easily. The more distant these gadgets are, the better their learning power. Therefore, it is always suggestive for parents to make their kids get involved in screen-free learning. 

Breaking the habit


Kids today are addicted to mobile phones, and with the current scenario of COVID-19, where kids have to take online classes, they have another reason to spend hours in front of screens. Kids of young age have made social media accounts, and they have unintentionally developed a habit of checking their social media accounts, notifications, etc., time and again. Screen-free learning will help kids in breaking the habit of continuously checking their phone and removing their addiction to these gadgets.  

How can I make my child work and learn without a screen?

We have already listed the benefits of screen-free learning. Here, we are going to talk about the ways in which you can make your child learn without the screen.

Reading Books


Reading books is one of the best habits you can inculcate in your kids. Developing their interest in reading might initially be difficult but is not at all impossible. You can ask kids to set a time to read books, magazines, or journals, and you will love to see them turn pages instead of scrolling down the screens.

Listening to Audiobooks/Podcasts


Some kids are not initially interested in reading books. Make them develop the habit of listening to audiobooks or podcasts. They can do this while walking or sitting on the balcony/garden. Reading is the best way to give rest to the eyes and still learn.

Writing Diary


Developing the habit of writing a daily diary will help your kids put their ideas, thoughts, and experiences in words and write them down. The paper diary makes kids more imaginative and enhances their communication and linguistic skills. Journaling helps in making kids learn with no screens. It is a great way to take a break from the screen. While reflecting on the happenings in day-to-day life, kids learn to embed information in their memory, and it is a great way to take a break from the screen.

Playing off-screen Games and Puzzles


Kids love to play, and getting them involved in various off-screen games helps inculcate many skills in them. Taking a break from the screen and getting involved in physical games will give rest to their eyes and make them more alert and attentive to the present situation.

Talking to Relatives/Friends


Some kids are very shy, avoiding talking to their relatives, friends, neighbours, and classmates. Talking to people is an integral part of learning. Kids learn communication skills, discussions on various topics can expand their knowledge horizon, and they learn to listen to people patiently and answer accordingly.

Hands-on Activities


Make your kids get involved in various hands-on activities and ask them questions about them. The hands-on approach is an effective way to explore and learn something. Kids get curious and seek answers to many questions that come to their minds.

Screen-Free Coding Kits


Various kits like Koddle, HIVE is available today that ensure kids learn the concepts of coding without the screen. While HIVE is a next-generation Robotics Kit for kids to enhance their STEM skills, Koddle is a beginner’s guide to teach your child the basics of coding. Both the kits are designed in an age-appropriate manner and screen-free learning for kids to learn and enjoy coding.


We cannot shun screens in today’s technologically advanced era as mobile phones and laptops are great learning tools. For this reason, it won’t be possible to restrict these gadgets but keeping things in moderation and allowing the usage of these gadgets for a stipulated time will ensure the well-being of the kids and help in inculcating good habits that will help them in the long run. Mindfulness increased productivity, awareness of the present moment, and improved sleeping patterns are significant benefits of screen-free learning!

Elaine Halligan, director of The Parent Practice once said: 

“The key is to teach them how to be safe with technology because ultimately, we want our children to be in charge of technology, rather than feeling technology is in charge of them.”.