Children have a hard time when it comes to storing information. Their minds get easily diverted, making it difficult for them to store certain information in their short-term or long-term memory. Therefore, it becomes necessary to boost their capacities through memory games for kids.

How To Improve Your Child’s Memory?

Brain development games for kids are probably the best way to improve their memory. However, unlike for adults, the best games to improve child’s memory of children need to be fun as well as enriching.

5 child’s memory games for kids:

1. The Magic Cup

The Magic Cup is one of the best visual memory games. You only require three non-transparent identical cups and any small spherical object.


How To Play?

Place at least three cups upside down on a table, in a row. Place the plastic ball under one of the cups, allowing your child to see under which cup the ball is going.

Now, shuffle the cups randomly around their positions. Go as fast as you can, making it harder for your child to track the cup that holds the ball. After shuffling, ask your child to identify the cup under which the ball is present.

2. What’s Missing?

The objective of the game is to remember what went missing or was present in the previous session.


How To Play?

Place several household items into a tray. Ask your child to observe the items in the tray. Once they can identify all the items on the tray, remove one item from the tray without your child noticing it. After removing the item and keeping it away from your child’s vision, ask them to identify the item that is missing from the tray. Also, ask them the shape and color of the missing item.

To make the game challenging enough for older children, you may add more items and reduce the time to look at the items. Instead of finding the missing item, older children can name all the items present on the tray, after you hide the tray itself. Ask them to write as many items as they can remember. Additionally, you can also make a variation like spotting differences.

These games for kids can substantially boost their working memory, visual memory, and pattern recognition for developing child’s memory.

3. Matching Memory

It is one of the best games to improve the child’s memorys. The players must be fully attentive and use their brains throughout the game. To play this game, you will need a deck of cards. You can use the whole deck, or you can remove some cards such as the Qs, KS, and Js, depending on your child’s capacity.


How To Play?

Put the cards face down in suitable rows and columns. Each player gets their turn to find a matching pair of cards. The player picks two cards, and if the cards match, the player gets to keep it. If they don’t match, they will have to keep them at the same position face down.

The main objective of the game is to remember the positions of the cards and find pairs. By the end, the player having the most pairs will be the winner. As your kids get better, you can increase the number of cards. It is one of the best traditional child’s memory test games.

The child’s memory matching game will help to boost the capability of spatial memory in your children.

4. Memory Sequence

It is a great memory test game for brain development. Moreover, you can play it at any time of the day.


How To Play?

You can begin the game by putting out an incident. You can increase the difficulty by adding numbers to the mix.

You can begin the game by providing a setting, such as a beach. List one object that you can see there and your child can add another item to the list. As the list grows, it will be incredibly challenging to remember the sequence. It is a good child’s memory game for 7-year-olds.

5. Narrative Memory

You can also use a narrative for the game. It is one of the best child’s memory games for students.


How To Play?

You can start by saying, “I went shopping and met Mr. Rabbit at Lemontub Café. He bought a pair of shoes worth 20 dollars. Meanwhile, I bought a packet of chips costing 5 dollars and a pair of cool Rayban sunglasses costing 200 dollars.”

Begin with lesser variables, and slowly increase the difficulty as you go along. You can also change the setting with variations like holiday trip packing, picnic list, etc. It will help to increase working memory in real-time. You can also include calculations for costs to increase the complexity of the mind games for kids.

The Bonus Game – Guess The Words

It is a great game to test your child’s memory. This memory game for kids helps improve your child’s pictorial memory. In this game, they will have to convert their physical sensation to a mental picture.


How To Play?

The game requires two players, namely the writer and the guesser. The writer will write something on the back of the guesser, and the guesser will have to try to identify the word. Both the players take their turns as a writer and as a guess.


Children, especially students, require a lot of brain development to cope with studies and everyday life. Brain Games for kids are the ideal way for them to learn while playing. A platform such as Learningbix can be an excellent way for you to get started.