Compared to other fields in tech or even in the world overall, coding and Programming Languages are definitely newer, more advanced fields. They are not that old for the general public to have a deep knowledge of the ins and outs of the field, its advantages and disadvantages, career opportunities, and the way it contributes to society.

These factors come into consideration especially when one is trying to think about making a career in the field and possibly a long-term one. Even new parent that is looking for career paths for their children might be thinking of ways to gain more knowledge about it. In this case, just learning about the field in the current context might not be enough. You might want to look for a more holistic view and how it can help shape the career of your child.

Here are some things about the future of coding that will help you gain a clearer perspective of its development and progress, and make a decision for coding and programming languages for kids accordingly.

1. Domination Of AI


Ever since AI has been introduced, there is no doubt about its significance and the way in which it has impacted the world. Deep learning and AI together have changed our lives in more ways than one, in ways that we cannot imagine life before or without them. Naturally, this technology is bound to evolve and change into something better.

It started with computers and other gadgets and it is slowly seeping into our everyday lives, right from our homes to our cars. coding and programming languages are giving the AI the push it needs to start learning on its own, and consequently, growing on its own. Before we know it, everything around us will be powered by AI and everything we use will be because of the stellar coding that goes behind developing such technology.

2. Development of new languages

It is not an understatement to say that coding languages have evolved a lot in the past 10-20 years. However, this is just the beginning. With advances in tech, we will have as many coding and programming languages worlds as we need. For every type of requirement, a language will be available that will make life easier for developers and even for users to understand and change with the technology.


Not that we do not have enough languages now, but the development of any field is bound to lead to the rise of its complementaries, in this case, languages. These will be developed so as to make life easier for beginners and advanced developers all alike, and to also incorporate different age groups. For example, we might just have a language like coding for kids python in the near future that is made especially for that age group.

3. Coding will be a part of the curriculum

Talking about different age groups and how they will end up being facilitated by this evolution in coding, it is quite a possibility that programming might end up becoming a compulsory part of curriculums in schools all over the world, and if not, at least in major cities and countries. coding and programming languages for kids will become a norm and every child can try their hand at this skill.


Just like any other subject that we have as a part of children’s curriculum, coding will become a part of that too. Similarly, learning any other language will be equivalent to learning programming languages. This is highly beneficial since children from a young age will be able to determine what they like and what they don’t, and if they do like something, they can choose to pursue it from a young age, giving them an edge over others.

4. Developers might see more advances

The very field that is helping provide all this development will also see major changes, right from management to technical advances. People working at the top towards research and development will make programming easier and more flexible for users globally. Not only this, programming as a field will become more inclusive since it will become easier to operate and understand, even more than it is now.


Since more and more people will be able to divulge into it, it will become easier for people to make it more accessible. This cyclic process will lead to so many advances that, in the blink of an eye, coding and programming languages as an industry will be seeing a boom like never before. And what’s better than being a part of that boom from the very start, and introducing your children to it too?

5. Laws will be made more flexible

It is common knowledge that any business or industry or even an individual professional can find it excruciatingly tough to survive if there is not enough legal support to help them out and assist them through their way. Government regulations and legal assistance go hand in hand in ensuring a safe working environment for professionals where they can exercise their businesses freely.


In terms of coding and programming languages too, cyber laws and regulations will be made more inclusive of the necessities of the field. Governments across the world will understand the importance of this field and the contribution it makes to their development. Laws will be framed by keeping these businesses in mind. Soon, all programmers will find that there are many regulations to take care of them and encourage them in doing their business in a secure manner, under the protection of the law.


Programming as a field is so robust and at the same time in its stage of infancy that these are mere predictions. It can amaze everyone in the world and go leaps and bounds beyond these predictions. It is what most world leaders believe to be the future, and honestly, it is because there is no other substitute or replacement that comes even close when it is about the changes it can bring to the world.

Hence, not only is this a great opportunity to learn something new that is happening in the world, but now is the best time to invest in it and be dedicated to it as a career choice that will give amazing, if not fantastic results. A platform such as Learningbix can be an excellent way for you to get started.