Technology today has become unavoidable, and with online studies becoming prevalent, kids nowadays have found a reason to be always online, staring at mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. It has become almost impossible to ask kids to leave these gadgets and go out to play or do something creative.

Many parents say they feel like talking to a brick wall whenever they ask their kids to move away from the television, laptop, or mobile screens. Social media addiction has increased dramatically, thanks to the mobile phones parents had to give to kids for online classes.

A recent survey found that using technology in a class, such as laptops or phones, for non-educational purposes was distracting to almost half of students. “According to the study published in the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, out of the students surveyed, 49% said that their use of technology for reasons not related to class or “off-task” use was distracting to them.”

4 Ways To Involved DIY Activities In Kids

This problem seems big, but what could be the best possible solution? There are many ways in which you as a parent could inspire kids to get away from the screens and enjoy the hands-on experience of learning something new and creative. There are several DIY activities that you can get your kids involved in, thereby enhancing their learning curve and inculcating in them various futuristic skills playfully.

 Motivate them to do household chores


We are not asking you to get involved in all the household chores. Instead, motivate your kids to do small things like making their bed, organizing their cupboard/study table, picking up toys, keeping them in place, helping with dinner, etc. This way, you know your child is not becoming a couch potato, and they know their duties and responsibilities. When kids make their beds or organize their cupboards, they learn organizational skills, logical thinking, etc.

 Get Involved in DIY Activities Yourself


Yes, you read that right! Toddlers are copycats. They tend to learn from their parents, caregivers, and friends, and by watching television. You might not know this, but kids tend to copy. Intentionally or unintentionally, you are teaching them. If you are involved in reading books, your child, too, will get interested in reading. If you are using abusive language, your child is learning the same. Good or bad…They copy! Set an example; teach them by doing it on your own. Get involved in various DIY activities and ask them to help you. Gradually, they will become interested in getting hands-on DIY activities.

 Buy them DIY kits


 There are various robotics and STEM kits available in the market for you to choose from. Pick one that you think will interest your child and get them involved in fun DIY activities. LearningBIX offers various DIY Robotics and STEM kits for kids that ensure to imbibe them with futuristic skills. These kits are designed to make kids learn many skills, and the development of cognitive skills takes place.

 Reward Them


When your child does something like adequately making the bed, organizing the cupboard, completing a project, performing an activity, and achieving success, reward them with something they like. The reward need not to monetary or an expensive item. You can reward them with their favorite cookie or cook their favorite meal as a reward for completing something successfully/or performing a successful activity.

 There are many ways in which you can inspire kids to perform DIY activities. More than encouraging them, it would be wise to get yourself involved in the DIY activities, be it a small activity like painting an old flowering pot. Involving in DIY activities will encourage children to do so. If you as a parent are using any other way to get involved in DIY activities, do let us know by leaving a comment below.