Manage Screen Time In Kid!!! The most frustrating thing and the major concern of today’s parents is the increasing number of hours their child spends in front of the mobile/tab/laptop screen. Studies say that the number of teens spending more than eight hours in front of screens is increasing tremendously. Some parents say they feel helpless when their child doesn’t listen to them and is not willing to lessen the screen time. Online classes gave them one more excuse to be online. Kids give weird reasons to parents as to why they are spending so much time on mobile phones. Now, these are Ways to Manage Screen Time In Kids.

If you are seriously looking for ways to reduce your kid’s screen time, I would say think again because, with so much information floating online, kids do learn many things. So, it’s not about reducing screen time but managing their screen time. You can definitely adopt different ways to manage your kid’s screen time.


Ways to Manage your Child’s Screen-Time


  • Be Their Role Model

I once saw a mother and her son reading a book in the Metro. Curious one fellow standing nearby asked her, how she has inculcated reading habits in her child in a time of technology where all kids want is a mobile phone. To this the lady replied, kids don’t listen to parents, they copy them. I didn’t do anything. He just copies me. We need to be role models for our kids. We first need to lessen our screen time and our kids shall copy. We need to set a good example to assist them in minimizing their media consumption thereby establishing healthy media habits.

  • Make Them Earn Their Screen-Time

Making screen time a privilege for kids will persuade them to complete the assigned task like homework or some household duties to enjoy the screen time like watching TV or playing their favorite game. This however doesn’t mean you have to give them hours of screen time as a reward for the task they have completed or goal they have achieved. The trick is to set the time period for which your child will get to access the mobile phone. 

  • Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activities and outdoor play not only make the kids physically active but they learn to interact with people and they become socially active.  Another major benefit of encouraging kids for some physical activity will help in regulating their screen time. This way, more than grabbing a mobile phone or video game controlled in their hand, they will be eager to participate in outdoor games.

  • Family Meetings

You heard that right. Holding family meetings and talking about the issues and trying to solve them help a lot. You can talk about increasing screen time and guidelines for screen time. This will help you deal with the issue and solve the problem as a group.

  • Set Rules for Screen-Time

You should set the rules for screen time that kids need to follow. If you have set time for a particular time period, you should ensure kids strictly adhere to rules. Parents need to persuade their kids to follow the screen-time rules and Manage Screen Time In Kid.

  • Avoiding Screen Time Before Bed/Early Morning

We all know the bad effects of using the screen before going to bed and as soon as one gets up in the morning. We as parents need to focus on keeping a check on the usage of mobile phones before going to bed and early in the morning. Don’t allow kids to use mobile phones before going to bed and early in the morning.

Encourage kids to get involved in DIY activities at home. You can also buy them DIY STEM and robotics kits. Learning Bix offers some really amazing DIY kits for screen-free learning. Your kids will indeed love getting engaged in these learning activities. Online coding STEM robotics kits for kids, activity toys with coding, electronics & programming, and innovative toy games for the brain development of kids help in engaging kids and keep them away from screens ensuring their free time is utilized in a constructive way.

The above-listed ways will help all you parent out there need to follow the rules that will help them reduce their screen time. Being a good role model, structuring screen time, ensuring no use of screens during meals, setting up a time for screen use, and being always aware are the key points that parents should follow to manage their child’s screen time.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to Manage Kid’s Screen Time?

There are different ways in which you can manage screen time in kids. Parents should talk to their children about the importance of limiting screen time and set clear expectations for how much time they can spend on screens each day. They need to limit access to screens. Offering alternative activities that don’t involve screens like playing outside, reading books, doing arts and crafts, or engaging in some physical activity too helps in keeping kids off the screens. Last but not the least, we as parents need to model healthy habits. Setting a good example for your children by limiting your own screen time and engaging in activities that don’t involve screens.

How to inspire teens to learn to code?

There are many ways in which we can introduce teens to real-world coding applications. You can explain to them how coding can be used to create useful websites, apps, and programs to solve real-world problems. Providing teens with hands-on experiences with coding makes them curious to learn to code.

Additionally, you can connect coding to other subjects. Show teens how coding can be used to analyze data in science and math, create art in music and art, and even create stories and narratives in literature. Adding to it, you can make coding fun by giving them coding challenges and games to engage them in the subject. Also, you can explain to teens how coding is an important skill in today’s world and how it can give them a competitive edge in the job market.

Why is coding the best thing for kids these days?

Coding is the best thing for kids these days because it helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, encourages creativity, and teaches them essential 21st-century skills that they can use in any industry. Coding is also a great way to help kids understand how the world works and how technology can be used to solve problems. Learning to code is also a great way to help kids build their confidence, as they become more capable of creating something tangible and also for Managing Screen Time In Kid.


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