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What Are Robots: Their structure and Assembly

Introduction To Robotics:

Robotics is the branch of AI that is fast becoming popular among kids and youngsters. It is that branch of engineering that deals with the conceptualization, design, operation, and manufacturing of robots. Robotics help develops mechanical skills in kids while they get to enjoy first-hand experimentation. Coding a robot helps kids get the theoretical as well as visual programming. Kids get to understand the link between code and action.

Robotics enables kids to learn STEM concepts in a hands-on environment. Robotics programs help in building confidence in kids, accepting criticism, improving engagement, and programming skills, encouraging teamwork, and preparing them for the future. Robotics has become the most interesting and adaptable thing nowadays. We need to understand what is a robot, why we need a robot and how we can construct a robot.

Firstly, let’s talk about the difference between robots and machines. While a machine is operated by a human to perform an action, Robot is not just a machine, it’s in fact an intelligent machine that doesn’t require human beings to perform an action. We can also say that a robot is a machine that resembles a living creature in being capable of moving independently like walking, moving on wheels, grasping objects, and more.

introduction to robotics

Why do we need a robot?

Robots make our tasks easy. They can do repetitive task with ease. They never get bored or tired. They perform tasks quite efficiently. These can be used in places where human reach is not possible like space, volcanoes, etc.

Types of Robots

There are different types of robots viz. pre-programmed robot, humanoid robot, autonomous, manually controlled robot, etc.

How to Build a robot?

A robot is a dynamic system and it has four basic fundamentals for building a robot viz.

  • Mechanical System: It comprises the overall construction of the robot. It has a chassis, wheels, and a support structure to support all the connected parts of the robot. It decides the locomotion of the robot to move it in any direction accordingly. We need actuators like DC motors to move our robot.
  • Sensing System: Like human being has senses, robot too has senses to sense it surroundings and work accordingly. Sensors make robots independent and autonomous.
  • Power Supply: It is just like the food to the robot. If there is no ample power supply, the robot will not be able to function properly.
  • Brain: The brain is used to take data from the sensors and work accordingly. With the help of the brain, we can make a number of controls for the robot. We can have preprogrammed and self-programming robot. We can also have self-controlled robots that can be controlled with the help or wires or without wires.

Assembly of the robot

Here, we have made a robot that has a mechanical system that includes motors, wheels, and a support structure that gives support to all the connected parts of the system. The robot includes color sensors and ultrasonic sensors. Sensors are used to calculate the physical parameters around the robot, like heat, light, pressure, color, radio waves, IR, etc. The brain is used to take data from the sensors. It gives the command to the motors to work accordingly.

Hope we have been able to make you understand what robots are, their working, and their structure. To learn the basics of robotics and STEM in more easier way buy DIY Robotic kits for kids Have anything to say, leave your comments below.

Wish to read some new advance blog about the robotics to learn about the wire controlled robots –Wire Controlled Robot: Its Construction And Circuit Building


2022-12-10T12:12:29+00:00December 5th, 2022|Blogs, Open Source Robotics|0 Comments

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