Programming skills are a must in the robotics field. Various programming languages are used in robotics like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, C++, Python, etc. A source code implanted in a robot instructs it to interact with the surroundings and perform actions. A program-based robotics simulator is created by developers and is tested before being implanted in a robot. To use programming languages to their fullest extent, one should also have a prerequisite about mathematics especially trigonometry & functions. Robotics programming is concept-based programming and can be learned at a young age. Various platforms online can help you with programming for kids learning ecosystem. Read on to know more about how programming is used in robotics.

Role of Programming

Robots run on sensors that help them interact with their surroundings. The sensor data is processed by a robot and then the actions regarding that data are planned according to the computer program embedded in the robot. Programs embedded in a robot helps it to take the input and provide output after performing required actions. The programs written for a robot are converted and compiled into machine code by the robot’s processor.


For example, suppose there is a face recognition robot that matches the face of people passing by for authorization. The computer program embedded in the robot will specify it to:

  • Take the input i.e., scan the face of the person passing by
  • Scan the specific features of the face and match them with the faces known or stored in the library
  • Return the name of the person on finding a match otherwise display failed authorization

Challenges in Robotics

It may sound simple that one can code and create a face recognition robot. In reality, it is tough to develop an understanding of the real environment in a robot via coding. It is very hard for a robot to guess the real state of its surroundings. It creates a perception of the environment with the help of the data returned by its sensors. The control signals of a robot can in no way change the state of surroundings/environment. The foremost step while coding in robotics is to create a perception of the environment that can be interpreted by the robot sensors.


If the real world is different from the assumed world of the robot, you can never create a robust computer program in robotics. This abstraction of the real world created in robotics is also termed a ‘model’. Models developed in robotics are complex and need to be designed with flexibility.

Programable Simulator


A lot of developers or beginners in robotics start with building a program-based simulator. Newbies can learn robotics programming by creating a mobile robot simulator. Students aspiring for building a career in robotics should know about graphical programming concepts too. There are many platforms online that provide graphical programming for kids’ learning frameworks. Programming a simulated version of a robot is comparable to coding a real robot.

Aim of a Robot


Life people, robots too have a goal/aim that defined their existence. The goal of a robot is also defined with the help of the source code. The source code containing the processes that define the goals of a robot is embedded into the control software of the robot. Programming also helps to remove obstacles encountered by a robot in real-life. A robot may or may not encounter an obstacle in real life but if it does, there should be a way around defined in its control software. Robotics Programming Languages required a problem-solving approach so you can determine the expected obstacles and code their solutions.

Control Signals and Looping

The control signals embedded in the robot describe a robot’s behavior and response to any particular problem. The control signals are coded by developers and embedded in the main processing system of a robot. Behavior-based robots are a common example of embedding control signals via programming. In short, the role of Programming Languages in robotics in terms of control signals are:


  • Code control signals
  • Generate & identify results
  • Process control signals to complete the task at hand

Since we were talking about behavior-based robots, looping is an important concept used to define the actions of a robot for the same type of task. For example, a cleaning robot has to repeat its cleaning process every time it finds any garbage. This requires extensive looping embedded in its control system.

Programming Languages

Many programming languages can be used to perform robotics operations. Object-oriented programming languages are the first choice of developers as it helps them to compare the robotic elements as real-life entity. The most popular object-oriented programming languages used in robotics are C, C++, and Python.

There are a lot of other programming languages used in robotics like Pascal, Scratch, MATLAB, Java, etc.

In a Nutshell

Robotics programming Languages for kids can help them to develop a critical and problem-solving mind. Beginners can also simulate robotics code to develop an understanding of robotics operations. One will also require an understanding of motors and sensors that are used to provide inputs to a robot. Start learning graphical programming for kids now! A platform such as Learningbix can be an excellent way for you to get started.