Life tends to be just as complex for teenagers as it is for adults. They undergo many hormonal changes and find it difficult to balance things with their underdeveloped decision-making skills.

While adults have the responsibility of looking after their family and their young ones, teenagers are on the transitioning stage to adulthood where they feel like the entire weight of the world is upon them, and that leaves them feeling helpless. They are uncertain of what choices to make in their Career Advice because they are unable to weigh their needs as well as the needs of their family and financial circumstances.

Living in uncertainty can be haunting. Hence, as adults who have gone through their teenage, you should lend a helping hand and approach these young minds carefully to help them make the right career advice choice for themselves.

5 Career Advice For Teenagers

It may be your first time giving career advice to teenagers, but it is certainly their first time planning their career advice path. So, here are 5 tips that will aid you to approach the teenagers appropriately and help them make the right choices.

1. Ask The Teenagers To Introspect

When looking for career options, it is understandable for teenagers to be lost in the crowd of differing opinions. They are bombarded with so many views and perspectives of the outside world that they lose sight of the most important aspect – themselves.


As an adult, parent or guardian, you should take it upon yourself to remind the teenagers to look within themselves, to introspect, instead of being deafened by the outside noise. Remind them to put their interests and priorities before those of others because when it comes to their career, it will be a part of them forever.

This might seem very rudimentary, but even the simplest of measures may have the most profound of effects.

2. Encourage Teenagers To Talk To Experts

The importance of career advice is underrated in India. You should not take on the responsibility of an expert career counsellor because you are not trained for that. While handling such delicate matters, it is best to reroute the teenager to the experts.


The experts can provide impeccable career guidance for students through their career counselling sessions. Many experts also offer free career counselling for the first few sessions. This will be ideal for students to get rid of all the confusion.

3. Help Teenagers Narrow Down Their Options

It is very common for teenagers to have a myriad of interests. However, it is not practically possible to pursue all of their interests as a career simultaneously. Hence, you should work with them and the expert to narrow down the options.


One of the best ways to narrow down the options is to prepare a list in the order of interests and skills. Sometimes they might lack the skills to pursue what they are most interested in. Under such circumstances, you should explore whether that skill can be developed over time or if it is something natural.

There may also be instances where they might face difficulty in ranking their interests. In such cases, a career guidance test for teenagers can bring out their true selves. A career advice test typically consists of a series of questions that evaluate the psyche of the human mind and match it to the appropriate career option.

4. Guide Teenagers In Their Research

Once your ward’s options are narrowed down, you can lead them on to digging deeper and researching more about their options.

Sometimes the career advice can be filtered again by doing this because what may seem achievable and in line with our interests may not be the same when you get closer to its core.


Explore the qualifications needed for the type of career advice. Once you have that down, the next step could be to make a list of sources where these qualifications could be obtained without any great financial burdens.

One should also take into account the sustainability of the career or the industry to which the career belongs to. For example, the career of a pilot in the aviation industry is extremely volatile, and having an alternative career path is wise. However, the career of a programmer or a developer is not as volatile, and the demand is projected to remain high. Hence, an alternative is not particularly important immediately.

5. Advise & Be There For Them

Experience is invaluable. Since you, an adult, have already passed their age, you might be able to provide invaluable support by understanding their feelings and anxiety.


Fortunately, finding good career advice in India has become easy with the advancement of technology. All you have to do is give them moral support and point them in the right direction using your own life experience.


Teenagers may be stubborn with their choices, but when you reflect, reason and reciprocate with them, you will be on the same page. A platform such as Learningbix can be an excellent way for you to get started.

Help teenagers get to the core of their interests and skills. Then, along with some career counselling from experts, they will be able to confidently make the best decision for themselves.