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Learn Preposition of Place, Position, Direction, and Time

Prepositions are an important part of grammar, and I find them difficult to learn and understand. One day, my mother asked me to bring the Musky kit and open the Preposition-themed mat. I excitedly got the kit and spread the mat. We started playing with it. My mother kept giving me challenges and asking me questions. She helped me wherever I got stuck. It was such a nice, simple and fun activity. Now I know what prepositions are and how they are used in a sentence.

Common examples of prepositions include “in,” “on,” “at,” “with,” “to,” “from,” “above,” “below,” “beside,” “after,” and “before.” Prepositions are an important part of English grammar and are used in both written and spoken language to convey meaning and create a clear and accurate picture of the relationships between words in a sentence.

Had a great time playing with your cute little learning buddy, Musky? Check if you can answer these questions.

Q1. What are prepositions?

Q2. Squirrels are ______ the tree.

Q3. Chicken is ______the egg.

Q4. Lion is behind the bush. Which is the preposition in this sentence?

Q5. Give some examples of prepositions we use in our day to day life.

Skills Acquired

Teachers Note

Prepositions are the words that tell us where something is. It is important for teachers to teach young children about prepositions in a fun and engaging way. Teachers can get kids involved in the activity and ask kids to find prepositions in the sentences given by you like ‘He is going on the bike’, ‘Birds fly in the sky’. You can ask them to find the prepositions in the sentences.

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