Is it actually possible to increase your child’s IQ through an external support system? Most parents find this difficult to answer and we make an attempt to answer this as objectively as possible. Yes, it is very much possible to help boost the child’s IQ or intelligence quotient of your growing child.

Right from very early days to the time they go to school in kindergarten, there are a lot of things parents can do that encourage steady growth and score on an IQ score chart. Having a high IQ is very important in this highly competitive world, and if there is something parents can do, it is definitely worth trying.

5 Ways To Improve Your Child’s IQ

Here are some tips you can follow at the very beginning of your child’s life to boost their mental growth and lay a strong foundation for any other endeavors.

1. Change Their Eating Habits

Introducing components like Omega 3 fatty acids can significantly improve the IQ score of your child. A study has shown that children who have consumed Omega 3 tend to display higher IQ scores than the ones that haven’t.


Now, you might be wondering, isn’t Omega 3 something people consume in the later stages of life to help specifically with cardiovascular diseases? While that is correct, giving children omega 3 from early on also has its own advantages.

Food items like fish, broccoli, spinach, walnuts, strawberries, blackberries, etc. can really help show definitive changes and increase IQ. Apart from this, ingredients like ghee that are used as an important part of our food every day also contain high proportions of omega 3 and can help too.

Even breast milk contains omega 3 and is one of the main reasons why most children are advised to be fed with breast milk over anything else in the first year. The whole idea here is to first make changes in the basic diet and then move on to cognitive skills that will help improve the child’s IQ score range of your child.

2. Staying Active Is Key

While you might think that the foolproof solution to boost IQ is to bombard your children with heaps of books, the more practical solution suggests otherwise. Keeping up with any type of physical activity child’s IQ actually makes the brain more active and receptive to new information.


This technique basically targets two birds with the same stone since you can’t avoid childhood obesity and the many issues that come with it while also making your child’s brain more active. Studies have shown that children who have an active lifestyle tend to have a better grasp on their vocabulary and learn new words 20% more than children who aren’t as active.

Besides, indulging in one particular sport can also help hone the social skills of the child at a young age that, in turn, affects confidence, intelligence, and self-image.

3. Take Up An Instrument

If you are struggling with questions like how to improve your child’s IQ, you must have tried a number of ways to come to an effective solution, but this is one fairly unexplored option that most parents tend to miss out on.


Music – it’s something that is good for literally all living beings that exist, not just humans. Even plants and animals have shown positive responses to music, depending on the type of music. Similarly, music is one such aspect of life that impacts humans greatly, especially through our subconscious.

It is good for all ages, and if taken up during the early stages of life, it can help boost IQ very effectively. It is not only good for helping with stress and anxiety but something most children end up developing in later stages of life. Additionally, it is also a great skill to have; something that can perhaps be converted into an inspiration to grow.

4. Read, Read & Read

While it is important to ensure enough outdoor activities, do not completely disregard the classic solution to improving one’s knowledge and intelligence quotient.

Reading books can show definitive results in the cognitive performance of your child, and it is probably one of the best skills you can instill in them. It improves language, grammar, and syntax, while also giving your child a certain sensibility of how the world functions child’s IQ work.


Things like understanding different perspectives, developing a critical mindset, and the sheer love of language can all be cultivated with the help of a habit like reading. However, there is one catch here – most parents read to their kids. This might not be the best thing to do. Instead, make your children read, and help them wherever they are stuck.

This will help in increasing concentration, and all these minor details help a child’s IQ development in a major way. These details are even easy to incorporate into one’s lifestyle without making major changes to it.

5. Maintain A Good Emotional & Social Environment

This is one of the most critical aspects that affect the child’s IQ development. Being emotionally present for your children is perhaps the one thing that will completely change the way they develop.


Children who face neglect find themselves unable to grasp new concepts since they have never received the encouragement to do so in the first place. This, in turn, affects their intelligence quotient since it is never given the chance to develop at all.

Give your child a nurturing environment, a safe space where they can freely ask questions without the fear of judgment, and where making mistakes is allowed. This will yield strong-footed results in the long run and ensure a good bond between you and your children.


As a parent, it is natural to constantly worry and have thoughts like ‘how to increase the Child’s IQ and ‘What can I do to help my child?’ it is also important to acknowledge that in the end, you need to give them their space and not overly meddle with the process.

Do everything you can from your end, but also know where the boundary is and where to stop. Being excessively supportive can make your children depend on you a little too much.

Instead, let them navigate things on their own and help them out wherever they are stuck. This is one of the best ways in which you can help your child excel across the child’s IQ score chart, and consequently, build their future. A platform such as Learningbix can be an excellent way for you to get started.